Microsoft information rights management azure Their documentation admits this but I cannot find anything on Azure Active Directory will check if the account exists in any Azure Active Directory and Azure Rights Management will be contacted to check the permissions. Exchange Online ist möglicherweise bereits für die Verwendung des Azure Rights Management-Diensts SharePoint Online supports Information Rights Management (IRM) protection of PDF documents. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical In this article. We have typically offered sensitivity-label driven protection of individual files via our Rights Management Service (RMS). Azure RMS hilft beim Azure RMS simply makes the data in a document unreadable to anyone other than authorized users and services: The data is encrypted at the application level and includes a policy that defines the authorized use for that You must activate the Rights Management service (RMS) before you can use the Information Rights Management (IRM) features of Microsoft 365 applications and services. This is a prerequisite for using sensitivity labels with encryption. Support for certificate-based authentication (CBA) Für IRM (Information Rights Management) in Exchange Online wird die Microsoft Azure-Rechteverwaltung (AAD RMS)-Dienst in Office 365 genutzt. The recommended method to configure these servers is to use the server configuration tool for Microsoft RMS connector. Implement capabilities from Microsoft Purview Information Protection (formerly Microsoft Information Protection) to help you discover, classify, and protect sensitive information wherever it lives or travels. Misalnya, saat karyawan Activate Azure Rights Management. 1 is software designed for your client computers to help protect access to and usage of information flowing through applications that use AD RMS on-premise and with Azure Information Protection. Ablauf in Schritt 1: Der RMS-Client auf dem Computer stellt zunächst eine Verbindung mit dem Azure Rights Management-Dienst her und authentifiziert den Benutzer mithilfe seines Azure Active Directory-Kontos. Die Berechtigungen werden in dem Dokument gespeichert, in dem sie von einem IRM-Server authentifiziert werden. Azure RMS provides your users an Information and instructions for admins to configure Microsoft 365 services to work with the Azure Rights Management service from Azure Information Protection. Office 365 apps, Office 2019, Office 2016, and Office 2013 versions provide built-in support for the Azure Rights Management services. The RMS Client ships as an optional download which can be, with acknowledgment and acceptance of its license agreement, freely If your organization is already using or planning on moving to Office 365, information protection is available to you via Azure Rights Management. Requires an Azure Information Protection license or Azure Rights Management license with Microsoft 365 to protect content. Lösung. Beispiele für Produkte und Dienste, die die Verschlüsselungsfunktionen des Azure Rights Management-Diensts ohne Vertraulichkeitsbezeichnungen verwenden können: Microsoft Purview-Nachrichtenverschlüsselung; Microsoft Information Rights Management (IRM) Microsoft Rights Management-Connector; Microsoft Rights Management SDK General encryption support for rights management capabilities; Note: Password Protected encrypted documents cannot be re-encrypted with rights management functions. 2 Includes activating/deactivating the Rights Management service, onboarding controls for a phased deployment, usage logging, super user capability for eDiscovery and data recovery, bulk protect/unprotect of files using the client-side PowerShell on Windows. Thanks for reaching out to Microsoft Q&A. When the protection service (Azure Rights Management) from Azure Information Protection is activated and you have performed any additional configuration steps that are required for your organization, you are ready to Apply IRM to a list or library. Sada Microsoft Information Protection SDK poskytuje interním vývojářům a dodavatelům softwaru rozhraní API pro psaní vlastních aplikací, které podporují Azure If your subscription that includes Azure Rights Management or Azure Information Protection was obtained towards the end of February 2018 or later: The service is automatically activated for you. This browser is no longer supported. For more information, best practices, and considerations related to preparing your cloud Note: to open and use Microsoft Office documents and emails that are protected, you don’t need this viewer. xps) files and the following file types: Presentation . This The Rights Management Services Client 2. In some cases, these credentials might be cached and you do not see a prompt that asks you to sign in. Inhalte werden mithilfe des Azure Rights Management-Diensts geschützt, der jetzt eine Komponente von AIP ist. 1 is software designed for your client computers to help protect access to and usage of information flowing through applications that use AD RMS on Sie müssen den Rights Management-Dienst (RMS) aktivieren, bevor Sie die IRM-Features (Information Rights Management) von Microsoft 365-Anwendungen und -Diensten Information Rights Management (IRM) helps you prevent sensitive information from being printed, forwarded, or copied by unauthorized people. Informationen über andere Anwendungen, die von der Erweiterung für mobile Geräte unterstützt werden, finden Sie in der Tabelle auf der Seite Anwendungen in dieser Dokumentation. IRM unterstützt Organisationen auch bei der Durchsetzung von Sowohl Azure Information Protection als auch AD RMS verwenden AES 128 für die symmetrische Verschlüsselung. I run the Azure RMS Analyzer tool (and I had to create an app password to do that) and it passes all tests, so I'm stumped beyond that. I cannot figure out how to turn on Rights Management in my tenant. In Zukunft wird ein Update zur Verwaltung dieser SKU verfügbar sein. Wenn der Schutzdienst (Azure Rights Management) von Azure Information Protection aktiviert ist und Sie alle zusätzlichen Konfigurationsschritte durchgeführt haben, die für Ihr Unternehmen erforderlich sind, können Sie überprüfen, ob dieser Schutzdienst wie erwartet funktioniert. By default, this account is also the Rights Management owner for that content, which is the case when a user who created the document or email initiates the protection. So in the context of the protection technology that is used by Azure Information Protection, "Azure Rights Management" (Azure RMS) remains a current name. Azure Key Vault Administratoren The Information Rights Management (IRM) feature of Exchange Online Dedicated and SharePoint Online Dedicated utilizes rights management technology developed by Microsoft. Sie können den SKU-Eintrag RIGHTSMANAGEMENT_ADHOC problemlos ignorieren. So, stay tuned References: Configuring usage rights for Azure Information Protection. For example, you might be signing in Using IRM in Microsoft 365, you can rights manage XML Paper Specification (. Applications that support Azure Rights Management data protection. Windows Mac iOS Android Funktionsweise von IRM. Wenn Ihr Abonnement, das Azure Rights Management oder Azure Information Protection umfasst, gegen Ende Februar 2018 oder später abgeschlossen wurde: Der Dienst wird automatisch für Sie aktiviert. Bei Bedarf kann der Schutz dann entfernt oder geändert werden. These procedures cover steps 1 though 4 from Deploying the Microsoft Rights Management connector. You do not have to activate the service unless you or another global administrator for your organization deactivated Azure Rights Management. To protect a file tap the edit button in your app, For more information, see Helping users to protect files by using the Azure Rights Management service. IRM (Information IRM- Information Rights Management. Under Permissions and Management, select Information Rights Management. Um IRM in Microsoft 365 zu verwenden, ist mindestens Windows Rights Management Services (RMS) Client Service Pack 1 (SP1) erforderlich. However, Azure Rights Management is still used as the protection technology for Azure Information Protection, and for Microsoft 365 services that use this cloud-based Rights Management protection. Sie müssen den Dienst nur dann aktivieren, wenn Azure Rights Management von Ihnen oder einem anderen globalen Administrator Ihrer Organisation Azure Information Protection (AIP) bietet den Verschlüsselungsdienst Azure Rights Management, der von Microsoft Purview Information Protection und den folgenden Funktionen verwendet wird:. For information about how to configure these applications for the Azure Rights Management service from Azure Information Protection, see Configuring applications for Azure Rights Management. The following sections list additional AIP and Microsoft Entra requirements for specific scenarios. Identifiziert vertrauliche Daten und wendet eine automatische Kennzeichnung auf Inhalte in Microsoft Purview Data Map-Assets an. Azure Rights Management or Azure RMS is one of the best technologies that is part of Azure Information Protection that helps you to safeguard or protect your files and emails with the help of different advanced The Rights Management Services Client 2. RMS offers encryption, identity, and authorization policies to help secure your Based on your description I understand you want to know what type of license is needed for Information Rights Management (IRM), whether it is involved in Microsoft Business Premium license or not. This Sie können anhand der Bereitstellungs-Roadmap für Azure Information Protection prüfen, ob es weitere Konfigurationsschritte gibt, die Sie ausführen sollten, bevor Sie Azure Rights Management für Benutzer und Administratoren bereitstellen. In this article. These information protection capabilities give you the tools to know your data, protect Dalam artikel ini. An Azure service used by Azure Information Protection that uses encryption and policy to help secure documents, files, and email. Instructions for when you use these settings: <YourTenantURL> is the Azure Rights Management service URL for your Azure Information Protection tenant. Classification, labels and protection are persistent, traveling with the data so that it’s identifiable and protected (if applied) at all times – regardless The Office configurations that support the Azure Rights Management service often use the term information rights management (IRM). IRM stands for Information Rights Management/Azure Rights Management, let’s talk about a history of IRM. On the ribbon, select the Library tab, and then select Library Settings. AIP vs IRM. The focus of this blog is the general protection for rights management. Steps to Troubleshoot and Resolve the Issue. Now the second most confusing question which comes into the mind of the support person is where to use IRM and where AIP. No client computer configuration is required to support the IRM features for Informationen darüber, wie Exchange Online mit dem Azure Rights Management-Dienst zusammenarbeitet, finden Sie im Abschnitt Exchange Online und Exchange Server aus Wie Office-Anwendungen und -Dienste Azure Rights Management unterstützen. Additionally, you're prompted to sign in, but you still can't access the content when you should be able to access to it. Make sure that you have a copy of your key and the TPD Ein Administrator konfiguriert diese Einstellungen für den Azure Rights Management-Dienst in der Regel während des Migrationsprozesses von AD RMS zu Azure Information Protection. This is technology agnostic; the specification provides guidelines for security vendors who wish to encrypt Type of protection Native Generic; Description: For text, image, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) files, . It's machine specific, and in my case that machine is not domain-joined, either locally or to Azure AD. Microsoft berechnet für diese SKU keine Gebühren. Previous names have included: - Windows Azure Active Directory Rights Management: Frequently I hope the above diagram will clear most of your question regarding Azure Rights Management Service. Sie können die Azure Information Protection-App von der Seite Microsoft Rights Management auf der Microsoft-Website herunterladen. There is a lot of work is being done to enable different B2B and B2C scenarios for secure information sharing there and it is a subject for its own blog post. Users can upload PDF documents to IRM-protected libraries. Wenn ein Dokument oder eine E-Mail mithilfe des Azure Rights Management-Diensts geschützt ist, wird das Konto, das diesen Inhalt schützt, automatisch der Rights Management-Aussteller dieses Inhalts. Various application authentication scenarios may require different application permissions. We’d suggest you use Microsoft Rights Management service, you can use office applications to work with Azure Rights Management service from Azure Information Protection. Der Azure Rights Management-Dienst muss berechtigt sein, Ihren Schlüssel zu verwenden. Azure RMS membantu melindungi file dan email di beberapa perangkat, termasuk ponsel, tablet, dan PC dengan menggunakan kebijakan enkripsi, identitas, dan otorisasi. Microsoft 365 Apps, Office 2021, Office 2019, Office 2016 und Office 2013 By using the Microsoft Information Protection SDKs, your internal developers can write line-of-business applications to natively support the Azure Rights Management service. Before answering this question, I just want to let you know in my opinion please do not use both techniques and applications in If you're a Microsoft 365 Subscriber with Azure Rights Management and your IT-department has defined some IRM templates for you to use, you can assign those templates to files in Office on iOS. During a Teams meeting I noticed that I cannot share my screen to show an Excel file if it comes from a SharePoint document library with Information Rights Management enabled. Beschriftungen in Microsoft Purview Data Map: Microsoft Information . IRM-Nutzungsrechte werden der Nachricht selbst zugeordnet, sodass der Schutz sowohl online und offline als auch innerhalb und außerhalb der Firewall der Organisation stattfindet: In diesem Artikel. For example, the integration might be automatically applied with minimal user interaction required, The Azure Management Guide helps Azure customers create a management baseline to establish resource consistency across Azure. No license is required to consume content that has been protected by AIP (includes users from another organization). If you want to label and protect your documents and emails, download and install one of the Microsoft Purview Information Protection clients. For sensitivity labels to apply encryption with rights management, the Azure Rights Management service from Microsoft Purview Information Protection must be activated for your tenant. The super user feature of the Azure Rights Management service from Azure Information Protection ensures that authorized people and services can always read and inspect the data that Azure Rights Management protects for your organization. The service performs this confirmation by checking your user name and password. Weitere Informationen zu den For example, while Microsoft 365 offers encryption at-rest for data stored in Microsoft 365, the Azure Rights Management service from Azure Information Protection independently encrypts your data so that it is protected regardless of where it is located or how it is transmitted. Azure Rights Management: Also known as Azure Rights Management service, and Frequently abbreviated to Azure RMS. 1 Azure subscription required to use configured key for Bring Your Own Key (BYOK). For application authentication scenarios, see Authentication Every time I try to access a work doc either on my desktop computer or from Microsoft 365 Office online, I receive this message, even though I log into my Microsoft Account successfully: You Cannot Access This Right Now - Your sign in was successful, but does not meet the criteria to access this resource. Search services can integrate with Rights Management Anhand dieser Informationen können Sie bestimmen, was Sie tun müssen, damit Office-Apps mit dem Azure Rights Management-Dienst von Azure Information Protection arbeiten können. Upon download, the files are protected using IRM. These checks will be performed by the information protection client and the cloud service handling these checks is Microsoft Azure Information Protection. The Rights Management issuer can still open a document after it is revoked. Um den RMS-Connector zu überwachen, siehe Überwachung des Microsoft Rights Management-Connectors. IRM helps prevent sensitive information from being read, printed, forwarded, or copied by unauthorized people. Whether your information is on Office 365, mobile devices, computers, cloud drives, or file shares, you can now use Azure RMS to protect your data wherever it goes. In addition to these applications and services, there are other applications that support the Rights Management APIs. And, because these services Information Rights Management (IRM) ist ein Ansatz in der Informatik, der den Zugriff auf digitale Informationen anhand von vorab zugewiesenen Schutzkategorien steuert. Enable discovery and protection Mit der Verwaltung von Informationsrechten (Information Rights Management, IRM) können Sie Zugriffsberechtigungen für E-Mail-Nachrichten angeben. A digital signature helps the recipient validate the identity of the sender. IRM is the older version RMS, you could only find it at Office 365 portal, and Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Unterstützen von Benutzern beim Schutz von Dateien mithilfe des Azure Rights Management-Diensts. Data encryption with the Azure Rights Management service is one of the most established data protection options available with Microsoft Purview Information Protection. When you try to open an Information Rights Management (IRM)-protected document, workbook, email message, or other item, you discover that you don't have access to the item even though you correctly signed in to Microsoft Office. The Microsoft Rights Management (RMS) connector lets you quickly enable existing on-premises servers to use their Information Rights Management (IRM) functionality with the cloud-based Microsoft Rights Management service (Azure RMS). The permissions are stored in the document In diesem Artikel wird beschrieben, wie Administratoren den Azure Rights Management-Schutzdienst für Azure Information Protection (AIP) aktivieren können. Sharing any other type of file, that does not come from a SP document library with IRM enabled works perfectly. And it is supported on Mac, as shown below: For your reference: FAQ for Microsoft Rights Management Sharing Application macOS RMS-enlightened applications. Mithilfe von IRM in Microsoft 365 können Azure Rights Management má úzkou integraci s aplikacemi a službami systém Microsoft Office a rozšiřuje podporu dalších aplikací pomocí klienta služby Azure Information Protection. Dazu gehören Dateien im Speicher wie Azure Data Lake und Azure Files sowie schematisierte Daten wie Spalten in Azure SQL DB und Azure Cosmos DB. Operating System Compatible Azure Rights Management Service; Microsoft Purview Information Protection Sync Service; Application permissions must be granted to one or more APIs when using the MIP SDK for labeling and protection. Office applications: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook These applications support Azure Rights Management built-in, and let users apply protection to a saved document or to an email message to be sent. Before you can view the protected file, the Rights Management service that was used to protect the file must first confirm that you are authorized to view the file. This technology IRM capabilities in Microsoft 365 use Azure Rights Management (Azure RMS). Informationen zum Konfigurieren dieser Anwendungen für den Azure Rights Management-Dienst aus Azure Information Protection finden Sie unter Konfigurieren von Anwendungen für Azure Rights Management. Just open them using your Office application (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook). My domain-joined machine, and my Azure AD domain-joined machine both work. Verify Azure Rights Management Activation: Ensure that the Azure Rights Management service is activated for your tenant. IRM verhindert, dass vertrauliche Informationen von nicht autorisierten Personen gelesen, gedruckt, weitergeleitet oder kopiert werden. But there are some Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Azure Information Protection und Azure Rights Management? Azure Information Protection (AIP) bietet Klassifizierung, Bezeichnung und Schutz für die Dokumente und E-Mails eines Unternehmens. Similarly, if your users receive encrypted email from another organization or Understand what data is sensitive and business critical—then manage and protect it across your environment. Die Administratorfunktion des Azure Rights Management-Diensts aus Azure Information Protection stellt sicher, dass autorisierte Personen und Dienste immer auf die Daten, die mit Azure Rights Management für Ihre Organisation geschützt werden, zugreifen und diese überprüfen können. Ein ähnliches Vorgehen ist mit dem Digital Rights Management (DRM) aus der Musik- und Azure Information Protection client: Installation and configuration for clients. I am struggling with what seems to be such a simple task. IRM also helps organizations enforce corporate policy governing the control and dissemination of confidential or proprietary information For more information about how Azure Rights Management uses certificates, see the Walkthrough of how Azure RMS works: First use, If you use many cloud apps for conditional access, you might not see Microsoft Information Protection Sync Service and Microsoft Rights Management Service displayed in the list to select. All the other person sees is a black screen on their end. Licensing for Microsoft 365 Security & Compliance. In newer tenants, this is the default setting, but you might need to manually activate the service. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. With this functionality, IT and users can easily protect documents and pictures both inside your organization and In this article. To configure on-premises servers such as Exchange Server and SharePoint Server, see Deploying the Microsoft Rights Management connector. You can check and activate it using the following PowerShell command: Microsoft Information Protection helps you discover, classify, label and protect your sensitive information – wherever it lives or travels. ppt. Its foundation is a combination of cryptography and identity that enables us to move away from password-protected files to a more agile and modern access control model. Requires an RMS license to protect content, and to consume content that has been protected by AD RMS. It works like a digital lock, restricting how recipients can view, copy, print, forward, or modify the content. I am trying to implement Office365 Messaging Encryption now that we are migrated to Office365. pdf files, and other application file types that support a Rights Management service, native protection provides a strong level of protection that includes both encryption and enforcement of rights (permissions). Azure Rights Management (Azure RMS) adalah teknologi perlindungan berbasis cloud yang digunakan oleh Perlindungan Informasi Azure. S/MIME is a certificate-based encryption solution that allows you to both encrypt and digitally sign a message. Der Ansatz umfasst ein Zusammenwirken sicherheitstechnischer, IT-gestützter und prozessualer Implementierungen. Service implementations to support the IRM feature set are provided by Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS) and Azure Rights Management Services (Azure RMS). Wenn Azure Rights Management in Ihrer Organisation deaktiviert ist, bleibt die Azure Rights Management-Funktionalität deaktiviert. In this case, use the search box at The Office configuration that supports the Rights Management service often use the term information rights management (IRM). Skip to main content . Any thoughts? What is Microsoft Information Rights Management (IRM)? Microsoft Information Rights Management (IRM) is a security feature that helps organizations control access to sensitive information in emails and documents. The Rights Management Services Client 2. If the Information Rights Management link doesn't Dieser Artikel richtet sich an IT-Administratoren und Berater, die Azure Information Protection bereitgestellt haben. . Configure and manage policies and view analytics across on-premises file shares, Microsoft 365 apps and services, and desktop and mobile devices in one place. Der RMS-Administrator kann unternehmensspezifische IRM-Richtlinien konfigurieren, die definieren, wer auf Informationen zugreifen kann und welche Bearbeitungsstufe für E-Mail-Nachrichten zulässig ist Während Microsoft 365 beispielsweise eine Verschlüsselung für die in Microsoft 365 gespeicherten Daten bietet, verschlüsselt Azure Rights Management Service von Azure Information Protection aus Ihre Daten unabhängig, sodass sie unabhängig davon geschützt sind, wo sie sich befinden oder wie sie übertragen werden. How information protection is integrated with these applications depends on how they are written. Hinweis. This guide outlines the basic tools needed for any Azure production environments, especially environments that host sensitive data. (If you're working in a list, select the List tab, and then select List Settings). It seems microsoft deprecated some of the pages in Azure in which I would do so. Information to help you install and configure the Azure Rights Management (RMS) connector. If necessary, the protection can then be removed or changed. Azure Rights Management (Azure RMS) ist die cloudbasierte Schutztechnologie, die von Azure Information Protection verwendet wird. Autorisierung des Azure Rights Management-Dienstes zur Verwendung Ihres Schlüssels. If you protect sensitive items such as emails and documents by using encryption from the Azure Rights Management Service from Microsoft Purview Information Protection, there are some Microsoft Entra configurations that can prevent authorized access to this encrypted content. Message Encryption When you install the RMS connector, it automatically creates Microsoft Rights Management connector performance counters that you might find useful to help you monitor and improve the performance of using the Azure Rights Management service. Rights Management-Aussteller und Rights Management-Besitzer. Azure Information Protection ist mit FIPS 140-2 kompatibel, wenn die Größe Ihres Mandantenschlüssels 2048 Bit beträgt, was die Standardeinstellung ist, wenn der Azure Rights Management-Dienst aktiviert wird. To find this value: However, if you have deployed Azure Information Protection in production and protected documents and emails, make sure that you have a copy of your Azure Information Protection tenant key and suitable trusted publishing domain (TPD) before you deactivate the Azure Rights Management service. Go to the list or library for which you want to configure IRM. If you have a subscription that includes Microsoft Purview Information Protection or Azure Rights Management, your Microsoft Entra directory is automatically created for you if needed. Skip to main content. In other cases, you are In this Azure tutorial, we will discuss all about Azure Rights Management. Azure Rights Management or Azure RMS is one of the best technologies that is part of Azure Information Protection that helps you to safeguard or protect your files and emails with the help of different advanced encryption algorithms, different authorization policies, identity, etc. Dieses Konto wird als issuer-Feld in den Verwendungsprotokollen protokolliert. Mit dieser Funktionalität können IT und Benutzer Dokumente und Bilder sowohl innerhalb Ihrer Information Rights Management (IRM) hilft Ihnen, zu verhindern, dass vertrauliche Informationen von nicht autorisierten Personen gedruckt, weitergeleitet oder kopiert werden. Once you install the RMS connector, it provides continuous data protection during the lifetime of the information. Wenn Sie nach Hilfe und Informationen zum Verwenden der Rights Management-Funktionalität für eine bestimmte Anwendung oder zum Öffnen einer rechtegeschützten Datei suchen, sollten Sie die zu Ihrer Anwendung gehörigen Mit dem Microsoft Rights Management(RMS)-Connector können Sie vorhandene lokale Server schnell aktivieren, um ihre IRM-Funktionen (Information Rights Management) mit dem cloudbasierten Microsoft Rights Management-Dienst (Azure RMS) zu verwenden. Information Rights Management (IRM) allows you to specify access permissions to email messages. The message encryption helps ensure that only the intended recipient can open and read the message. Known issues opening IRM-protected emails sent from users in other Microsoft 365 organizations Applies To Outlook 2016 Outlook 2013 Outlook 2010 In some cases, Outlook may be unable to open a message sent from a user in a different Microsoft 365 organization if the message has been protected with Information Rights Management. To protect a file tap the edit button in your app, go to the Review tab and tap the Restrict Permissions button. The Azure Rights Management connector (RMS connector) is an optional application that enhances data protection for your Exchange server by employing the cloud-based Azure Rights Management (Azure RMS) service. Active Directory Domain Services:: Ein in eine Domäne eingebundener Computer fragt von Active Directory einen Dienstverbindungspunkt (SCP) ab. To view PDF files in libraries protected by IRM, users need to use one of the PDF-compatible readers listed in this article. For example, you regularly experience delays when documents or emails are protected. If you're an Office 365 Subscriber with Azure Rights Management and your IT-department has defined some IRM templates for you to use, you can assign those templates to files in Office on iOS. These encryption technologies are complementary and using them requires enabling and configuring The Rights Management issuer can always access the document or email offline. Because these later versions of Office provide built-in support for the Azure Rights Management service, no client computer configuration is required to support the information rights management (IRM) features for applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Outlook on the web. Or, you experience Konfigurieren Sie Azure Information Protection für die Verwendung Ihres Schlüssels, indem Sie die URL des Schlüsseltresors angeben. Azure Rights Management (Azure RMS) is the protection technology used by Azure Information Protection. cwyp xlkh oopjrgy bacg hcy nqdzc jvqon gjkxr gqbm ulwjvrc jnd svl agnus iuccv rmf