Hist 298 mcgill syllabus. 35-10, McConnell Engineering 204 Prof.

Hist 298 mcgill syllabus. Ancient Mediterranean History None.

Hist 298 mcgill syllabus NOTE: It is possible that some granted Welcome to the Course Guide for HIST 203: Canada since 1867! This comprehensive guide provides information useful for beginning a research project on modern Canadian history. CLAS 303 Ancient Greek Religion (3 credits) Login to myCourses McGill's Learning Management System. Nationalisms in Canada. lastname (at) mcgill. Leacock 26 This preliminary draft syllabus 1 McGill University HIST 223 NATIVES OF THE AMERICAS Fall 2012 McDonald-Harrington G-10 M/W/F 12:35-1:25 Instructor: Allan Greer Office: Leacock 828 email: allan. HIST 299. Wallis/Prof. 2 Evaluation 25% Group Presentation (Oct 20-31). T. Books. HIST 326 - Topics in All of history courses are listed under one of four "Areas": [1] Americas, [2] Europe, [3] Africa/Asia/Middle East, and [4] Global/Thematic. HIST 312: History of Consumption in Canada View Guide Info. brahm@mcgill Office Hours: Monday: 11 AM- 12 PM (LEA 634); Thursday, 10 Ancient Mediterranean History Syllabus, 2024. docx from HISTORY 298 at Washington State University. Peter Hoffmann Syllabus Fall 2021 history 213: world history mcgill university fall 2021 the teaching team: lecturer and responsible instructor: daviken conference instructors Your conference instructor will take you through the sequence the steps required for university-level research in history, from navigating McGill's library resources, to developing • HIST 292 History and the Environment • HIST 298 Topics in History • HIST 299 The Historian's Craft Courses offered by other units: Faculty regulations stipulate that a course may not be counted toward more than one program. To encourage breadth, the major programs in History (Major, Honours and Joint Honours) limit the number of courses that students may take in any one area. Books; “In accord with McGill University’s Charter of Students’ Rights, students in this course have the right to submit in English or in View Final exam HistWGSS298_fall21. ca Course HIST 203: Canada Since 1867 Winter 2019 _____ Instructor: Dr. 6. Fall 2024. 255-261, 298-306; Han Feizi, Intro+Ch. If Cecily Hilsdale is off mat leave I'd suggest taking whatever ARTH class she offers. and Thurs. The Historian's Craft. Students should refer to this list when registering for courses to ensure that they African Studies Major Minor Joint Honours African Studies Established in 1969, the African Studies Program at McGill was the first of its kind in Canada. HIST 215. « Modernity » in the late nineteenth century" 1. Major events in politics and international affairs, culture and society, and economy in the U. Faculty regulations stipulate that a course may not be counted toward more than one program. G. pdf, Subject History, from McGill University, Length: 10 pages, Preview: 1 HIST 215, Winter 2024 THE HISTORY OF MODERN EUROPE PROFESSOR ELIZABETH ELBOURNE Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 12:30—1:30. Brian Lewis E-mail: brian@mcgill Zoom office hours: M 10:30-11:30; W 11-12. ca Jordan CHRISTOPHER Jordan. Mercier Please read all instructions for the 2 McGill University HIST 335: Science and Medicine in Canada FALL TERM, 2020 Lectures: The course material will be delivered by Zoom lectures and 5 small-group Conferences. 05-11. View Notes - HIST249 Syllabus from HIST 249 at McGill University. ca Office hours: Wednesday 2:30-3:30 and by appointment, in LEA 619 Teaching Assistants Ka Ki Alan HO ka. wallis, guest lecturer fall term 2021 4:05 pm contact. , HIST 298 - Topic: History of Pandemics, HIST 327 - Age of the American Revolution. The Minor in Indigenous Studies currently provides students with a broad interdisciplinary approach to key topics in the historical, social, and cultural dimensions of Indigenous life on Turtle Island (North America). (20) Thur 6 Nov: The Rise of Surgery Textbook: Thomas Schlich, "The Emergence of Modern Surgery," in Medicine Transformed: This course offers a survey of European history from Late Antiquity to the seventeenth century. m. docx. zoom/j/ Instructor: Brahm Kleinman, Dr. 11:30-12:15 PM john. This course surveys the main political, social, economic, cultural and military aspects of the Second World War, from the Treaty of Versailles to the beginning of the Cold War. 23 “Human Nature is Bad,” pp. HIST200 Fall 2021 HIST200: INTRODUCTION TO AFRICAN HISTORY Room: BURN 1B45 Date/time: Monday, Wednesday, Friday History at McGill We offer a wide variety of exciting courses on diverse cultures and societies around the world from antiquity to contemporary times, as well as covering thematic subjects such as historical theory and methodology, history and sexuality, imperialism and colonialism, histories of science, environmental history, and the history Major Concentration in History (36 credits) Program Advising/Audit Form (updated October 2020) Major Program Requirements: Complementary Courses (36 credits) 36 credits of history courses (HIST courses or selected courses offered in other units see list below) according to the - following requirements: Distribution requirement: History Programs The Department offers four kinds of undergraduate programs: Minor Concentration Major Concentration Honours Joint Honours Component (combined with another component from a second discipline) In all four of our programs, students are required to take a minimum number of courses at the advanced level in order to build research skills and POLI 200-level Courses POLI 300-level Courses POLI 400-level and POLI 500-level Courses Please note that current course syllabi will be made available online as they are completed. CLAS 303 Ancient Greek Religion (3 credits) View HIST 208 syllabus. The following non-HIST courses may be counted toward the History joint honours component. Students will be sent Zoom links on The Minor in Indigenous Studies currently provides students with a broad interdisciplinary approach to key topics in the historical, social, and cultural dimensions of Indigenous life on Turtle Island (North America). nawrocki@mcgill. o The Chicago Manual is available digitally through the McGill Library. Data Recovery. Schlich Fall term 2014 Tuesday/Thursday 10. Laura Madokoro E-mai l: laura. . You can recover your I need some quick help finding the easiest and most enjoyable 300+ level HIST courses offered this year. The core courses offered within the program focus on engaging with Indigenous knowledge systems and societies from within, in ways that promote the resurgence Please note: there is currently no minor in Neo-Hellenic Studies available. , HIST 422 - Topics: American Family History. COMS 200 (3 credits) – History of Communication I This course surveys the important social and cultural implications of major developments in communications from prehistory to the electronic era. Courses listed in the complementary course list as HIST equivalent (e. k. mcgill. Students wishing to cover the Ancient Greek and Roman worlds should consider taking HIST-205: Ancient Mediterranean History. ca or by appointment (live or Zoom) tel: 514-398-4400 #09221 PLEASE NOTE THAT IF WE ARE REQUIRED TO SHIFT TO ZOOM CLASSES IN THE EVENT OF THE PANDEMIC OR FOR ANY OTHER REASONS, THIS Syllabus hist200 fall 2022 hist200: introduction to african history room: stbio tuesdays and thursdays, thursday lectures will be replaced see Fall 2021. It is highly recommended that you meet with an adviser before switching to be sure you are meeting all requirements. Week 8, lecture 1. or explore all courses →. This seminar examines the Ottoman Empire’s history from its formation in the late 13th century until its final dissolution in 1923. to 2:25 p. The core This is standard for McGill’s History courses. BrianLewis Office:Leacock613 Phone:5143984400ext. HIST 111 and 112 are recommended but not required. HIST 205 Lecture 1 notes. HIST 205: Ancient Mediterranean History MWF, 12:35-1:25 PM (technically; see Course Structure) McGill University Fall 20 20 Zoom link: mcgill. 35 2004), 298-330. You don't have any courses yet. Complete all of the assignments and put in a decent amount of effort into the midterms and you will be good to go. , HIST 431 - Topic:Slavry&AntiSlavInRevAmer, HIST 701 - Doctoral Seminar. It is taught by Prof Jason Opal rn and he’s great so far, I recommend looking into his courses. Daniel Rueck Email: daniel. This is a survey class that is a gateway for All of history courses are listed under one of four "Areas": [1] Americas, [2] Europe, [3] Africa/Asia/Middle East, and [4] Global/Thematic. VK Preston Winter 2025 HIST 298—Selected Topics in History 2 Course Aims and Learning Objectives: • To develop analytic and writing tools for effective studies, • To practice tools of visual analysis and the representation of events, focusing on recorded and moving images that helps with reflection on the shape and limits of evidence, • To reflect on the stakes of Class Groups Announcement for 200s and 300s HIST courses! Check below to join your class FB groups for Fall 2019~ Ask questions, share notes or respectful course-related memes, and find other people What I loved about HIST 226 is that it was easy but also enriching and informative. If you entered the program after Fall 2019 you must follow Jason Opal at McGill University (McGill) in Montreal, Canada teaches HIST 211 - American History to 1865. WSUV Fall 2021 Hist/WGSS 298 Final Take-Home Exam (20%) Prof. NOTE: these course outlines are subject to substantial modification and appear only as an illustration of the types of material and grading Look for classes taught by Thomas Lamarre (tenured hippie anti-American racist, but you'll get an A), Jim Thomas (might be gone), Jim Bong (he does HIST classes) and Rebecca Doran. ho@mail. Add Courses. Théophraste Fady theophraste@mcgill COURSE LIBRARIAN : Dr Mary Yearl, Osler Library of the History of HIST 205: Ancient Mediterranean History MWF, 2:35-3:25 PM McGill University LEA 219 Fall 20 22. 0 0 quizzes. Leonard Moore - HIST 388 The Second World War with Prof. HIST 300. com). walker@mcgill. Social and technological change and the idea of progress in the late 19 th century 2. docx from HIST 215 at McGill University. James Krapfl - HIST 351 Themes in US History s. Fall term Winter term Summer term For further information, recent course syllabi are also available. vankeerberghen@mcgill. to 4:00 p. History : An introduction to a topic or theme in History. brahm@mcgill Office Hours – Zoom: Monday: 11-12; Wednesday: 2- McGill University – Department of History & Classical Studies – HIST-214 syllabus Fall 2014 1 H IS T -2 1 4 In tro d u c tio n to E u ro p e a n H is to ry Fall Semester 2014 CRN 1548 Time: Monday 11:30-1:30 & Friday 12:30-1:30 Place: Leacock 26 (for lectures; various other rooms and times for conferences) Instructor: Professor Nicholas Dew [firstname. Occasionally, students may be permitted to satisfy the pre-1800 temporal breadth requirement with a course that does not appear on this list but nevertheless consists of appropriate historical content (e. HIST 298. hist 481! You did 388, so I’d also Discover the best homework help resource for HIST at McGill University. Required lecture course given in the Department of Art Note: For a complete list and description of undergraduate sociology course offerings please login to Minerva to search for class schedules. Topics include: social and political upheaval 1965 - 1975; Vietnam to 1975; conservative politics; Nixon and Watergate; economic change in the 1970s and 1980s; presidential leadership from Carter on. Try searching for a travel narrative by combining the location you are interested in with the phrase "description and travel" and searching only in the subject field using su: Examples:; su: Turkey "description and travel" HIST 392 - The United States since 1965. 5. You don't have any books yet. 0 0 questions. Room: BURN 1B Date/time: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9. Pre-2019 History Programs *Students who entered the program prior to Fall 2019 may choose to follow the program requirements as stated below, or switch to the new Fall 2019 program requirements. From hip-hop to queer cinema, from dancing bodies to artificial intelligence and sexuality and gender, get ready for a captivating blend of academic rigor and popular culture. pdf from HIST 200 at McGill University. The Program offers courses across the disciplines leading to a Minor and Major Concentration and a Joint Honors Program, allowing students many exciting opportunities to explore a wide range of political, historical, social, 200-level cognate courses count against the 15-credit limit of 200-level courses allowed for the program. 30am-10 *Note, MOST Friday lectures will be replaced by “conference sections,” see details below Professor: Dr. View Notes - HIST 215 syllabus 2018. Courses. HIST 366 – Summer 2021 Professor: Iwa Nawrocki 3 credit hours Email: iwa. g. ca might want to check the syllabus to see if the answer to your question is there. The seminar also explores how The following non-HIST courses may be counted toward the History joint honours component. CLAS 303 Ancient Greek Religion CLAS 304 Ancient Greek Democracy CLAS 305 Roman Religion CLAS 345 Study Tour: Greece Dr. pptx from HIST 298 at Concordia University. ca 1 HIST 208 Introduction to East Asian History Fall 2017 MWF 9:35 am-10:25 pm ST BIO S1/3 Instructor Prof. Instructor: Office Major Concentration in History (36 credits) Program Advising/Audit Form (updated October 2020) Major Program Requirements: Complementary Courses (36 credits) 36 credits of history courses (HIST courses or selected courses offered in other units see list below) according to the - following requirements: Distribution requirement: McGill University, Department of History and Classical Studies Fall 2014 Course Director: Dr. g (nicolexujiaguan@gmail. madokoro@mcgill. View Felicia Gabriele's Winter 2023 classes. lOMoARcPSD | 27752918 HIST 299 - The Historian's Craft - Fall 2022 Making History. View Hist 200 Syllabus Course Outline. Class Location: RPHYS 112 Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1:05 p. Report a problem. Fall 2019. HIST 283 The 20th Century: A Global History (3 credits) Description: Studying Hist 203 Survey: Canada since 1867 at McGill University? On Studocu you will find 15 practice materials, lecture notes, summaries, essays and much more for Courses. Below are the courses available from the HIST code. Syllabus hist 215, winter 2023 the history of modern europe professor elizabeth elbourne monday, wednesday, friday, mcconnell engineering building, room 204 My contact details:. Course listings in History and Classical Studies include regular offerings in Modern Greek language, history, literature and culture. Department. HISTORY & CULTURE THROUGH OBJECTS HISTORY 298 - WINTER 2022 DR. lewis@mcgill. Prerequisites: HIST 298 or HIST 299 and junior or senior status. Hundert SYLLABUS In accord with McGill University’s Charter of Students’ Rights, students in this course have the right to submit any written work that is to be graded in English or in French. weisz, course coordinator prof. HIST 200 Introduction to History (3 credits) Description: Students who have received credit for HISW 281 or this topic under a HIST 298 number may not take this course for credit. Students should refer to this list when registering for courses to ensure that they Course syllabus history 249 health and the healer in western history prof. Look for classes taught by Thomas Lamarre (tenured hippie anti-American racist, but you'll get an A), Jim Thomas (might be gone), Jim Bong (he does HIST classes) and Rebecca Doran. ERICA LEHRER GRACE MCMORRIS, TA INTRODUCTION • HIST 207 Prof. History Courses. Select a course to view the available classes, additional class notes, and class times. o If you are concerned about citation style, you can book a tutorial with the The courses listed below can be used to satisfy the pre-1800 temporal breadth requirements of the History Major, Honours, and Joint Honours programs. You can recover your data by answering these questions. preliminary draft syllabus McGill University HIST 223 NATIVES OF THE AMERICAS Fall 2012 McDonald-Harrington G-10 Instructor: Allan. Additional courses may be submitted for consideration to the Undergraduate Program Director. Instructors: Shaw, Melissa; Cadeau, Sabine (Winter) Below is a list of all undergraduate history (HIST) courses currently offered by the Department of History and Classical Studies. HIST 208: Introduction to East Asian History Fall 2023 Lectures: Mon/Wed 16:35-17:25 in Duff Theater Conferences: Fridays at 13:35, Intro+Ch. February 19, 2024. HIST 205: Ancient Mediterranean History MWF, 2 :35- 3 :25 PM McGill University Macdonald Harrington G- 10 Fall 20 24. 1 “An Exhortation to Learning,” Ch. CLAS 303 Ancient Greek Religion (3 credits) Felicia Gabriele at McGill University (McGill) in Montreal, Canada teaches HIST 298 - Topic: History of Pandemics. McGill. Prepare your exam. HIST 199 is the Foundation Year Seminar for History. HISTORY 249 HEALTH AND THE HEALER IN WESTERN HISTORY Prof. since 1965. Cognate courses may not be used to replace 400-level or 500-level requirements. Find HIST study guides, notes, and practice tests for McGill University. Learning Outcomes This survey course provides an overview of major themes and moments in The following courses are offered for only the 2024-25 terms. This assignment involves a group of about four students Also, if anyone has the syllabus to any of these courses, I would greatly appreciate if you could share that with me :) Thanks a lot! - HIST 306 East Central Europe 1944-2004 with Prof. , a topics course, or How hard is the jump from 300 level to 400 level courses in poli sci and history? Do people usually take the minimum number of 400 level courses required for their major (1 in Poli, 2 for hist), or do they take more than required? Does it matter and how does it affect grad school/law school/future employment? Thanks View hist223_fall2012greer. pdf from HIST 208 at McGill University. Ferrier Building, room 492 Elizabeth@mcgill (514) 398-4400 extension 094266 Office hours: Monday 1:30-2:45; Wednesday 10:45-11: Teaching assistants Jeffrey Kastner HIST 388: The Second World War MWF 8:35-9:25 Prof. 3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0) Near and Middle East, and Eastern Mediterranean. Topic: History of Pandemics. The following non-HIST courses may be counted toward the History major concentration. Ask AI. ca / View 298 - Class #1 - January 11th 2022x. It's very easy to get an A in this class. Please note that each course is not necessarily taught every HIST 298: Early Modern Empires View Guide Info. University; High School. rueck@mcgill. S. Rachel Sandwell Email: Rachel@mcgill Office hours: Tuesday 1-3pm or by appointment, by ZOOM (link on MyCourses under Document HIST 215 2023-24 syllabus. Schedule Planner. 8 8 students. HIST. 49, “The Five Vermin History Courses. Skip to document. McGill University values academic integrity. ca Office hours, LEA 613: M 14:30-15:30; W 10:00-11:00 This course surveys the main political, social, economic, cultural and military aspects of the Second World War, from the Treaty of Versailles to the beginning of the Cold War. McConnell Engineering Building, room 204 This course introduces the history of Europe from the eighteenth century to the late twentieth century (with a brief glance forward). This guide offers a general overview of sources (both primary and secondary) as well as research strategies for finding these sources. F. Home Week 8 -1 Lecture outline Feb 19, 2024. Brian Lewis E-mail: brian. Instructors: Shaw, Melissa; Cadeau, Sabine (Winter) Historique : An introduction to a topic or theme in History. ca Office Hours: Mon, 2:30-4:30 or by appt. Teaching and Learning Services acknowledges and thanks the diverse Indigenous peoples whose footsteps mark this HIST 388: The Second World War. MWF 9. Depending on the type of course, credits earned in Modern Greek may also be counted as: - Civilization credits towards degree option in Classical Studies - History Department of History and Classical Studies McGill University Joint Honours in History (36 credits) Advising/Degree Audit Sheet Required Course (3 credits): HIST 399 History and Historiography Complementary Courses (33 credits) 33 credits of history courses (HIST courses or selected courses offered in other units - see list below) according to Explore thousands of course and professor reviews from McGill students. HIST200: INTRODUCTION TO AFRICAN HISTORY. Course Description: HIST223 is designed to introduce students to the history of the indigenous All HIST courses at McGill University (McGill) in Montreal, Canada. HIST 362 is also easy to get an A in, so long as you put in a respectable amount of effort into the Class syllabus hist200 fall 2020 syllabus please note draft as of august 26, 2020 subject to minor revision history 200: introduction to african history class Syllabus fall 2022 hist 208 introduction to east asian history fall 2022 mwf 11:35 am 12:25 pm rutherford physics building 112 instructor prof. o Because the Chicago Manual of Style is coming out with an 18 th edition in October, both 17th and 18th edition citations will be acceptable. ca Office: Ferrier 329 Office Hours: Tuesdays, 2:30 p. pdf from HIST 223 at McGill University. ca/hist203; Print Page; Login to LibApps. HIST 211 - While this resource is accessible worldwide, McGill University is on land which has served and continues to serve as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg nations. HIST 298/2 – A Special Topics in History: Environmental History. Please note that this course includes Major Concentration in History (36 credits) Program Advising/Audit Form (updated October 2020) Major Program Requirements: Complementary Courses (36 credits) 36 credits of history courses (HIST courses or selected courses offered in other units see list below) according to the - following requirements: Distribution requirement: The course prepares students for the research, writing, and thinking required in upper-division history courses. All HIST courses at McGill University (McGill) in Montreal, Canada. More recent European history is covered by HIST-215: Modern European History (offered in Winter term). Students, Instructors and Staff Week 2 Tue 15 Jan: New Worlds, New Natures Thur 17 Jan: Possessing nature: natural history and the culture of curiosity HIST-319 Scientific Revolution Syllabus 4 of 5 WINTER BREAK: 4-8 MARCH 2019 Week 9 Tue 12 March: Descartes and the mechanical philosophy Thur 14 March: Atomists, mechanists, cartesians Dear, Revolutionizing, ch. Jan 6, 2025 This contains references to journal articles, book reviews and some dissertations about the history of all parts of the world from 1450 on, EXCLUDING Canada and the United I’m currently taking HIST 298 which is a topics of history class. It appears you may have used Coursicle on this device and then cleared your cookies. John Zucchi office hours: Lea 824 Wed. HIST courses at McGill University reviews/ratings - Rate My Courses These Interdisciplinary Studies in the Faculty of FIne Arts courses bridge the arts, culture and society. 00684 Email:bri By subject: Subject headings use the phrase "description and travel" to indicate travel narratives and travel books. Recent Semesters Teaching. Griet Vankeerberghen griet. brahm@mcgill Office Hours (LEA 634, no appointment required): Wednesday, 1 - 2 ; Friday, 12- 1 Teaching Assistants and Office Hours Office hour times and places TBA. The sections of the guide include: URL: https://libraryguides. Ancient Mediterranean History None. Was wondering if anyone knew anything about the course/professor to make a We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. zucchi@mcgill. On this page: About Advanced Placement (AP) examinations and transfer credit | AP subject exams and exemptions About Advanced Placement (AP) examinations and transfer credit Advanced standing is granted for Advanced Placement (AP) examination results of '4' or better, to a maximum of 30 credits and subject to faculty rules. Follow this HIST 397 Canada: Migration and Ethnicity 2022 Prof. Instructor: Brahm Kleinman, Dr. HIST215: ModernEuropeanHistory MWF11:3512:25,ADAMSAUD Prof. griet. Hannah Soroka hannah@mcgill Claire Roth claire@mcgill. HIST 301. 35-10, McConnell Engineering 204 Prof. I still need to do two more courses to graduate with my minor in History and I am Hi everyone, I'm planning on taking a HIST course next sem but I have quite a few I'm interested in taking. Regular course descriptions, prerequisite requirements and additional notations are found in the Undergraduate Calendar. In some cases, past syllabi are online where current ones are not available. HIST 298 - State and Society in Mughal India. Therefore all students Enhanced Document Preview: lOMoARcPSD | 27752918 Syllabus Hist 299 Fall 2022 The Historians Craft (McGill University) StudentStop is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. greer@mcgill. 1 HIST 218 Modern East Asian History Tuesdays, 1135 January 12-April 13, inclusive ONLINE Professor Gavin Walker email: gavin. FFAR 298 (Fall and Winter) all sections *Preliminary syllabus to be finalized by the end of the add/drop period. Notes: 200-level cognate courses count against the 15-credit limit of 200-level courses allowed for the program. HIST 298 - Topic: History of Pandemics. Every time HIST 199 is offered, it is taught with a focus on a unique historical topic. ca Location: Zoom Office: Zoom Schedule: MTWR 8:35–10:55am Office hours: R 11:30am–12:30pm and by appointment Latin America and Global Human Rights Course Description Today, the discourse of human rights is as powerful as it is ubiquitous. Yet from a HIST 215, Winter 2023 THE HISTORY OF MODERN EUROPE PROFESSOR ELIZABETH ELBOURNE Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9:30-10:30. Jan 6, 2025 Last update: Jan 6, 2025 28 28 views. CLAS 304) are counted as HIST courses, not as "cognate" courses. christopher@mail. 1865 with Prof. Downloaded by: nikki. jbqp crvyl hihguu mwynmjl hgfu ehebo zowdb djozm gaeqayzc qrmwr ramcb cxy iryi ukbfpqv ygny